I’ve neglected German Riesling for a bit around these parts.
Not long after I started the Vine, I got asked in an interview what my favorite
wine was. I said something to the effect of “Riesling. It’s tasty and it goes
with anything.”
That was many moons and a considerably changed palate ago. German
Riesling gave way to dry Riesling from the Pacific Northwest. Dry Riesling virtually
disappeared after I discovered the lean, minerally joys of Alsatian Riesling,
which is where my tastes dwell today. For old time’s sake, I decided to swing
back around to Germany.
I had to give myself a refresher beforehand, though. Whereas
the French and the Italians simply put the name of the region on the wine label
and expect a wine drinker to know what’s inside, the German detail-orientation
comes out. Look at a German bottle and you’ll get the winemaker, the type of
wine, the style of wine, the wine region, and often the vineyard the wine came
from. Throw all this together and you’ve got a long, intimidating string of
Prussian to sort through. Thankfully, untangling those strings of consonants
and diacritics isn’t too difficult. Here’s a quick vocabulary lesson:
There are two types of German wine you’ll usually see. Qualitätswein, which is abbreviated somewhere
on the level as QmA. This is generally table wine. The other is Prädikatswein, which is a higher quality
wine, subject to classifications. Until 2007, Prädikatswein was labeled with the abbreviation QmP. I mention this
because most German wines are age-friendly. Good Riesling can age almost
indefinitely. So, if you run into bottles with vintages from a few years ago,
don’t be alarmed.
Prädikatswein is
divided into a number of categories, based on the amount of sugar present when
the wine is fermented. The three types you’ll see most commonly are Kabinett, Spätlese , and Auslese. Kabinett wines tend to be the
lightest and potentially the driest. Spätlese
, which means “late harvest,” is made from grapes left on the vine longer,
thus increasing the sugar content. The
best Spätlese grapes get made into wines called Auslese, which means “select harvest.” Spätlese
and Auslese wines tend to be sweet or
semi-sweet. Kabinett wines can be either dry or sweet. How to know which is
which? “Trocken” is German for “dry.” If you see “Trocken” on the label, you’ve
got a dry wine. The exception would be Trockenbeerenauslese,
which is a sweet dessert wine made from dried grapes.There's also "halβtrocken" -- which is "half-sweet" or "semi-sweet."
Since I’m into lighter-styled whites these days, I decided
that I’d sample some Kabinett. I opened these three long, intimidating strings
of Prussian:
Darting 2004 Dürkheimer
Fronhof Riesling Kabinett Trocken
Darting 2007 Dürkheimer
Michelsberg Riesling Kabinett
Leitz 2008 Rüdesheimer
Klosterlay Riesling Kabinett
I tried them in that order, thinking I’d lined them up in
order of sweetness. All three wines had very low alcohol. Usually, the lower
the alcohol, the sweeter the wine. The Dartings were both 11.5%. The Leitz
somehow turned out not to be as sweet as the sweeter Darting, checking in at
only 8.5%. (Brunch wine, anyone?)
The Darting “trocken” started with a minerally, lemony nose.
The taste was right down that alley -- minerally and sharply acidic. My note on
it says, “Like a granite grapefruit.” It reminded me a great deal of the Alsace
Rieslings that I mentioned above. I found it light in body and flavor with a
dry finish that had a little hint of a metallic taste.
I found some big contrasts when I poured the other Darting. It
had a similar mineral and lemon nose to the first, but it somehow smelled
“fatter.” When I tasted it, I recognized a lot of that granite grapefruit” flavor – if you’d dropped
that grapefruit into a bowl of honey. I found it to be quite sweet initially,
but that sweetness mellows into a peachy flavor. The finish starts as honey and
ends up as grapefruit rind. That sensation wasn’t as gross as it sounds, trust
The Leitz had a very light nose. I got faint apple blossoms
and pepper, but I really had to sniff at it. The initial taste was like apples
and honey, but the honey morphs into a Granny Smith apple-ish tartness, along
with some of that pepperiness. After a few sips, the flavor reminded me of Chinese take-out “sweet and sour” sauce, if
you dialed the sugar was back.
Riesling, as I mentioned before, is exceptionally good food
wine, especially when paired with Asian dishes. I made a green Thai curry with
shrimp & halibut to go alongside the wines. The Darting trocken, somewhat
surprisingly, didn’t fare very well. Paired with the curry, it became somewhat
alkaline. It simply wasn’t as good as the other two. The pepper in the Leitz
jumped up and danced a little jig with the spice in the meal, cutting the
sweetness a fair bit. Very pleasant and flavorful. The sweet Darting definitely
held up to the spice, but it initially tasted too “honeyish” for that dish,
overwhelming the flavors in the curry. Since Thai food is “creeper spicy,” the sweeter
Darting got better as the meal went on.
There are flavors all over the map in German Riesling. With
a little research, you should be able to find one you like. It’s also a great
choice if you have friends who “don’t like dry wines” but you’d like to serve something
a little more complex than white zinfandel. Don’t fear the umlauts.